Acolytes: Ages 8 to 100! Our Acolytes serve on the altar at the 9:00am service, and special occasions. They serve in many ways such as a book bearer, crucifer, torch bearer, or server.
Altar Flowers: Flowers are given in memory of loved ones or in thanksgiving at Sunday services. A sign-up sheet is provided on the bulletin board.
Altar Guild: The members of the Altar Guild prepare the altar for our services of Holy Eucharist. They do many tasks to assure that all things needed to celebrate the Eucharist are provided. If interested in volunteering, please contact the Parish Office.
Bell Choir: We are blessed to have a set of 50 handbells. If you are interested, see our Music Director, Herb Lazration.
Christian Education: Help to give our children a sound Christian foundation. Please see the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board to assist with church school classes.
Coffee Hour: Immediately after our 9am service, it is a time to talk and share our lives with fellow parishioners. Volunteer to brew the coffee or bring the snacks!
Community Supper: Volunteers from Trinity go to St. John's Episcopal Church in Bridgeport every fourth Tuesday of the month and help serve the meal. Approximately 100 people are served. We serve from 5-6pm. For more specific information, please call the Parish Office.
Covenant to Care: We belong to the "Adopt a Social Worker Program". We work with her to assist children in neighboring communities in various ways. For example, we provide school supplies, gifts at Christmas, etc.
Eucharistic Ministers: Assist the priest in the service of Holy Eucharist
Eucharistic Visitors: Bring the Eucharist to those in the hospital or those unable to attend regular services. Shut-in's receive communion once per month.
Layreaders: Volunteers who read the 1st and 2nd lessons and sometimes the Prayers of the People at the 9am service.
Worship Leaders: Licensed by the Bishop to conduct worship services such as Morning and Evening Prayer.
Additional Opportunities: From time to time during the year, additional opportunities may arise where help is needed. Check with the Parish Administrator or the bulletin board outside of the Parish Hall.